Bad_object_header BSOD in Windows 11[Full Fix]

Summary: Bad_object_header BSOD error occurs due to corrupt device driver, RAM, bad sectors, and other hard drive issues. This article will guide you on how to resolve bad_object_header in Windows 11.

 BAD OBJECT HEADER is a common Windows 11 Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) error code 0x00000189. When this error occurs, it immediately interrupts all your running tasks on Windows and reboots your system.

In this situation, you need to first understand the reason behind the occurrence of this error and then how to fix the bad_object_header BSOD error in Windows 11. 

What causes the Bad_object_header error on Windows 11?

Various factors might cause you to face a bad_object_header BSOD error in your Windows 11 system. Some of the most common causes are:

How to Fix Bad_object_header BSOD in Windows 11?

Here are the steps to fix the bad_object_header Blue Screen of Death error in Windows 11:

  1. Obstruct Automatic Restarting of Windows

Sometimes, due to a bad_object_header BSOD error, your Windows system may go under a continuous reboot loop. To fix this issue, you need to stop Windows from restarting.

  1. Ensure Operating System is up to date

Windows Updates are critical as they help patch up various bugs on your system. Follow these steps to download and install all the available Windows Updates to fix the bad_object_header BSOD error:

  1. Use the Blue Screen Troubleshooter

Windows has its in-built utility Blue Screen Troubleshooter to fix the bad object header issue. This handy tool can be found on PC with Windows 10 Fall Creators update or above operating system and can remove the stop error.

  1. Eliminate Memory and RAM issues

Sometimes, corrupted memory and bad sectors in RAM can be the reason behind bad_object_header BSOD error, so use Windows Memory Diagnostic to fix these problems.

  1. Safe Boot

Booting your system in Safe mode can fix critical issues, such as the bad_object_header blue screen of death error.

  1. Update Disk Drivers

Updating your system drivers can help fix the bad_object_header error in Windows 11.

  1. Give a break to Hardware components

Bad object header errors can occur because of external hardware. Therefore, it is recommended to disconnect all unessential hardware components, reboot your system, and then check if the error is fixed.

  1. Remove Malware from your System

Sometimes, the presence of viruses in your system can result in causing the BSOD error. In this case, you can use the built-in Windows Defender app to detect and remove notorious viruses and malware.

  1. Clear up the Storage from Junk

When junk files increase in your system, resulting in low space, you need to free up this space using the Disk Cleanup utility.

  1. Uninstall problematic software

If the bad_object_header BSOD error started occurring after installation of any specific program or software, then uninstall it immediately to fix this issue.

  1. Use Disk Checking Utility

The CHKDSK command is a Disk Checking utility that detects and fixes the bad sectors in your hard drive. For example, removing the bad sector may fix the BSOD bad_object_header error.

  1. Use System File Checker

Windows system components and recovering missing DLL files may be the reason behind the bad_object_header BSOD error. Use the built-in Windows System File Checker utility to fix this error.

  1. Uninstall Defective Windows Update Files

If this error is due to problematic Windows update files, then uninstalling it might solve your issue.

  1. Perform System Restore

If a recent modification in your system is responsible for a BSOD error, you should use System Restore to return to a point when there was no error.

  1. Use Stellar Data Recovery Software

You can use the Drive Monitor feature of the Stellar Data Recovery Professional for Windows to check bad sectors in your hard drive as they are responsible to cause BSOD errors. In addition, the drive monitor checks the overall health, temperature, and performance of the HDD/SSD/USB drive and a specific partition of the drive.

We highly recommend you take the free trial to see the health of your hard drive.


To avoid Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) errors like the bad_object_header 0x00000189 error, you must regularly monitor the health of your hard disk, update your OS, scan your system using Windows Defender, and repair the memory and RAM issues.

Additionally, BSOD errors are sudden errors that can occur without warning signs, often resulting in data loss scenarios. Use efficient data recovery software like Stellar Data Recovery Professional for Windows to restore any files lost due to bad_object_header errors in your system. Moreover, to avoid data loss due to BSOD errors, create at least two backups of your data on either the cloud or external drive.


1. How do I fix frequent BSOD in Windows 11?

Go through this article to fix the BSOD error in Windows 11.

2. How do I fix a bad pool header error?

Use the DISM tool to rectify defective image files. Once detected, the tool will eventually will fix the bad pool header error in Windows 11:
– Type Command Prompt in the search box.
– Run it as Administrator.
– Type exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and hit Enter key.

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