How To Fix the ‘Unable to display the folder’ error in Outlook

Summary: You may encounter 'Unable to display the folder' error due to various reasons. This article mentions the reasons for this error and the solutions to fix it. It also mentions an advanced Outlook repair tool that can help fix the error if it has occurred due to corruption in PST file.

Outlook users sometimes face errors and issues while working on the application. One of the common errors which Outlook users face is “Cannot Display the Folder”. This error usually occurs when there is a problem with the Outlook data file or Outlook configuration. However, there are various other reasons that may also result in this error.   

Reasons for ‘Unable to Display the Folder’ Error in Outlook

Some potential causes behind this error are:

Solutions to Fix the ‘Unable to Display the Folder’ Error

Here are a few potential solutions you can try to resolve the “Unable to display the folder” error in Outlook.

Check your internet connection

If you are using Outlook in online mode, ensure that you have a stable Internet connection. If you are using Outlook in offline mode, ensure that your computer is connected to your network.

Check your Outlook account settings

Make sure that your account settings are correct and you are using the correct server and login information. You can check your account settings by following the below steps:

Check for Outlook updates

Check that you have the most recent updates installed for Outlook. To check for updates, you can follow the below steps:

Check and disable faulty add-ins

You can launch Microsoft Outlook in Safe Mode to check if any faulty add-ins are causing the problem. The steps are as follows:

If Outlook functions properly in safe mode, it means some faulty add-ins are causing the problem. You can disable add-ins by performing the below actions:

Repair Outlook profile

It’s possible that your Outlook profile is corrupt. To repair the profile, perform the following steps:

Create a new profile

If repairing your Outlook profile does not resolve the issue, you can create a new Outlook profile.

To do so, click Control Panel > Mail > Show Profiles. Click the “Add” button to create a new profile and then follow the prompts to set it up.

Run Outlook with Administrative Privileges

You may not have permissions to access Outlook data file or the particular folder. You can start Outlook with Administrative Privileges to solve this problem.

Follow these steps to run Outlook with administrative privileges:

Repair PST file with Inbox Repair Tool

The Inbox Repair Tool or Scanpst.exe is a utility provided by Microsoft for repairing damaged or corrupted PST files in Outlook. If you are experiencing errors or problems with your PST file, you can use the Inbox Repair Tool to fix them.

Here’s how to use the Inbox Repair Tool to fix PST file errors:

Repair PST file using Stellar Repair for Outlook

If none of these solutions resolves the issue or ScanPST fails to repair the file, then you can install and run an advanced and powerful Outlook PST file repair software, such as Stellar Repair for Outlook. The software can easily repair severely corrupt Microsoft Outlook PST files of any size.

To use Stellar Repair for Outlook to repair PST file, follow these steps:


In this article, we?ve shared different ways to fix the error “Unable to display the folder” in Outlook. However, if the error has occurred due to corruption in PST file, you can try to repair the file by using the Inbox Repair Tool or a more advanced PST repair software, like Stellar Repair for Outlook

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