Stellar Licensing Manager
Stellar Licensing Manager
Machine View displays key metrics for each machine, including job counts, item migration status, and completion details. It helps users monitor migration progress, track performance, and identify issues.
The purpose is to provide an overview of each machine's tasks, allowing users to assess progress, failures, and key metrics.
The Machine View displays data in a table, showing details of each machine or server in the migration. Each metric shows the machine's performance, progress, and status during the migration.
Machine Name: Identifies the machine or server involved in the migration.
Job Count: Displays the number of migration jobs for the machine.
Total Items: Lists the total number of items migrated during the process.
Migrated Items: Displays the number of migrated items.
Failed Items: Displays the number of items the machine fails to migrate.
Filtered Items: Lists the items the machine excludes from migration.
Completion %: Displays the percentage of the migration the machine completes.
Start Date: Displays the start date of the migration job.
End Date: Displays the end date of the migration job.
Last Job Start Date: Displays when the last migration job starts.
Last Job End Date: Displays when the last migration job ends.
Account Count: Displays the number of accounts involved in the migration process.
The filter box in the Machines Window helps you quickly narrow down machine data based on criteria like job count, status, or date range, making it easier to find relevant information.
In the Machines Screen, click on machine name to view the job details performed on it. Just follow a few simple steps to view all relevant data for that user.
Click a Machine name to open its Job View.
The Jobs Window shows an overview of migration jobs.
Click a job to open the Mailboxes Window and track mailbox migration success or failure.
Click a mailbox to open the Folders Window and track folder migration progress.
Note: Each window has a filter box that lets you select the desired user, job, mailbox, or folder from the table.
A single page on the Machine View menu shows up to 25 reports only. To view other reports page, navigation buttons are provided below the table.
The following are the page navigation buttons available
To display more rows, check the box next to "Rows per page."
<< : will display the first page.
< : will display the previous page.
> : will display the next page.
>> : will display the last page