Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
ActiveSync General Reports provide details related to the devices synced with the exchange server.
Various reports listed under ActiveSync General Reports are:
Mailbox features such as Outlook Web Access (OWA), Outlook Message Access (OMA), Post Office Protocol (POP3), IMAP4 are displayed in this report. The report also includes Mailbox Name, Email, Active Sync Enabled, Litigation Hold, Alias Names, Canonical Names, Legacy Exchange DN columns for mailboxes on that Exchange Server.
To view Mailbox Features report:
From the Navigation Pane, click on Report -> OWA & ActiveSync.
Under ActiveSync General Reports, click on Mailbox Features.
If you wish to change the Server, click on Select Server and choose the server name from the drop down list.
Device Details report provide details of the synced devices with the mailbox on the exchange server. The device details include Device Name, Device Type, First Sync Time, User Name, Device IMEI, Device OS, Operator and Device ID.
To view Device Details report:
From the Navigation Pane, click on Report -> OWA & ActiveSync.
Under ActiveSync General Reports, click on Device Details.
If you wish to change the Server, click on Select Server and choose the server name from the drop down list.
The report displays a list of all inactive devices from a certain time period. The details of the devices include Device Name, Device ID, Device Type, User Name and IMEI.
To view Inactive Devices report:
From the Navigation Pane, click on Report -> OWA & ActiveSync.
Under ActiveSync General Reports, click on Inactive Devices.
Under Filter, in the No. of Days field, write the Days in number and click Go.
If you wish to change the Server, click on Select Server and choose the server name from the drop down list.