Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
These reports lists all the Public Stores on the Exchange Server with their related information. Different reports included in Public Store Reports are:
This report lists all the public stores on an exchange server with their relevant details. The listed details include public store name, storage group, store size, server information etc. The report also displays a chart showing a comparison between the public stores based on their individual sizes.
To view Public Stores report:
From the Navigation Pane, click on Report -> Storage.
Under Public Store Reports, click on Public Stores.
If you wish to change the Server, click on Select Server and choose the server name from the drop down list.
This report displays the growth rate of all the public stores in an exchange organization with their initial and final sizes. It also displays the top 5 public stores with maximum growth rate.
To view Public Stores Growth report:
From the Navigation Pane, click on Report -> Storage.
Under Public Store Reports, click on Public Stores Growth.
Under Filter, in the Period field, select the time period from the drop down options and click Go.
If you wish to change the Server, click on Select Server and choose the server name from the drop down list.
This report displays the size of public folders. The report also includes details like public folder path an number of messages associated with every folder.
To view Public Folder Size report:
From the Navigation Pane, click on Report -> Storage.
Under Public Store Reports, click on Public Folder Size.
If you wish to change the Server, click on Select Server and choose the server name from the drop down list.