I was trying to perform recovery of emails from the Deleted Items folder, but I failed to do so. In addition, I received the below error message on my screen:

'Outlook was unable to recover some or all of the items in this folder. Make sure you have the required permissions to recover items in this folder, and try again. If the problem persists, contact your administrator'.

In the case when the above error message appears, it indicates that your every attempt to recover items from the Deleted Items folder yields the same result. After a bit of research to find out the cause, you can find that problem has occurred because a view other than the Messages view is used.

Try the Following Steps:

  • Check if this issue is only a particular mailbox or with others users also.
  • Try creating a new MAPI profile; test whether it is perfectly created.
  • Try recovering the Deleted Items via the Outlook Web Access (OWA).
  • Create 'Test Mailbox' on the same database server and then test, once again.

Hopefully, the above suggestions can be of help.

Alternately, Try This:

  1. Created a second and make it the Privileged Account. Then make the mailbox in discussion the Non-Privileged Account, with a view to ensuring security best practices.
  2. Disable any Anti-virus program running. It may also happen that you cannot disable the program, as for the problematic system, your Non-Privileged Account is not a Local Administrator.
  3.  In this case, add it to the Local Administrator group. Next, turn off the Anti-virus program running in your system. Apparently, you can recover the deleted items now.
  4. Turn on the anti-virus program again and you can ideally, recover deleted items.

The problem has occurred because your mailbox is connected to your Non-Privileged Account.

If you really are facing a hard luck, the above procedure may not work even. In such a case, use Stellar Delete Email Recovery. This tool can recover all permanently deleted mailbox items including emails, contacts, calendars, attachments etc. from your mailbox, even after you have emptied the Deleted Items folder. This deleted email recovery software support the recovery of both PST and OST file.