How to Fix Access Database Error 3048?

Summary: MS Access database “runtime error ‘3048’ may occur due to various reasons. This blog talks about the possible causes that may result in the Access database error 3048 and the solutions to fix the error. Also, it mentions an advanced Access repair software that can help in fixing the error if it has occurred due to corrupt database.

The MS Access error 3048 is a runtime error that has been reported by several users on various tech forums. Due to this error, the users face problem opening or running the MS Access application. There are different messages related to this error. Here?s an example of the error message:

Some users have reported encountering the ?Runtime error 3048: Cannot open any more databases? after installing a particular MS Office 365 update. However, there are various other reasons that may lead to this error. In this article, we?ll be discussing the reasons behind the error 3048 and the solutions to resolve it.

Causes of the Error 3048 in MS Access

Here are some possible reasons behind the runtime time error 3048:

 Methods to Fix MS Access Error 3048

Here are some ways you can try to resolve MS Access runtime error 3048.

1. Revert to Previous Version of Microsoft Office

If the error has occurred after downloading the recent Microsoft Office updates, you can revert to the previous version of program to resolve the error. Follow these steps:


<Updates Enabled=”TRUE” TargetVersion=”16.0.xxxxx.yyyyy” />


setup.exe /configure config.xml

2. Update MS Office or Microsoft 365 Apps

Based on users? complaints, Microsoft has released an update for MS Access that fixes the bug in the previous update. Instead of rolling back to previous version, you can install the latest updates for the MS Office and Microsoft 365 applications to fix the runtime error 3048.

3. Setup a New Trusted Location

Sometimes, the runtime error 3048 occurs when you open an untrusted database or access the database from an untrusted location. In such a case, you can try moving the database file to a trusted location – a folder that can be considered safe to execute the code. Here are the steps to set up a new trusted location:

4. Close Conflicting Programs

If the MS Access error 3048 arises due to conflicting programs, try to stop those programs. Here are the steps to identify and stop them:

5. Repair Access Database

You may also encounter the Access database error 3048 if the database is corrupt. In such a case, you can use Microsoft’s inbuilt tool ‘Compact and Repair‘ to repair the corrupt database files. Here are the steps:

If the Compact and Repair tool does not work for you, it means the database file is severely corrupt or damaged. In such a case, you can try an advanced third-party Access repair tool, like Stellar Repair for Access. This tool can quickly repair damaged/corrupted .accdb/.mdb files and recover all the objects, including forms, tables, deleted records, or reports to a new Access database file. Also, it is compatible with all Microsoft Access versions. 


There are several reasons that can lead to the MS Access database runtime error 3048. You can follow the solutions mentioned in this blog to resolve the error. If the runtime error is caused by virus or malware, download a reliable Antivirus program and scan the system. If the error is caused due to conflicting programs, find the programs and uninstall them. Further, you can roll back the MS Office to the previous version or set up a new trusted location. Sometimes, the error can occur due to corruption in the Access database. In this case, you can use the Compact and Repair utility or Stellar Repair for Access, when the former fails.  

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