How to fix Outlook error 0x800CCC0B

Summary: The Outlook error 0x800ccc0b may occur due to different reasons. This post explains the reasons behind this error and mentions the solutions to fix it. It also mentions an Outlook repair tool that can help resolve the error if it is caused due to PST file corruption.

Did you experience the Outlook error 0x800ccc0b? We?ll show you how to resolve this issue in this post.

Microsoft Outlook is one of the prominent email clients for email communications. However, some users recounted experiencing a specific type of error that occurs once in a while. This error is not so standard but does great damage when it is in place.

Not to mention the error is associated with SMTP, but the error is indicated with the error code 0x800ccc0b. On the other hand, there are lots of reasons why the unknown error 0x800ccc0b may occur.

Causes of Microsoft Outlook Error 0x800ccc0b

Outlook error 0x800ccc0b occurs as a result of the following reasons, some of which are listed below:

If you notice the presence of any of the issues mentioned above, then it’s probably the cause of the error. Hence, your next action should be taking applicable measures.

Fixes For MS Outlook Error 0x800ccc0b

Generally, two techniques apply to this type of challenge. Any of them works fine, but one saves you the stress and is very quick and easy.

These troubleshooting methods involves resolving the issue manually by modifying your Office account. That being said, here’s what to do.

Solution 1: Restart Your Computer

This should be the first approach that you make. Shutdown the system and restart the computer. With that done, you can head to the next step.

Solution 2: Configure Server

Next, you should attempt configuring your MS Outlook with “SMTP: My server requires authentication.” If it doesn’t connect, follow these quick steps:

Once you complete that, the configuration with an SMTP server will become successful, and that leads us to deal with the ports.

Solution 3: Use Port Number 26

Another thing that adds up to the success of resolving the error is changing the port number. This is consequential to the fact that some ISPs are now blocking Port 25 to safeguard their clients from spamming and other cyber attacks.

Solution 4: Disable antivirus

Consciously take note of the benefits of antivirus, not forgetting the menace it can become when working on other things. It is expected that you temporarily turn off all antivirus firewall systems.

Alternative Solution #1

The above steps will help resolve the issue. But if it doesn’t, then you should opt-in for these quick measures:

Alternative Solution #2

Possibly trying to figure out the source of the problem, you still experience the Outlook error? Follow these steps:


Corrupt system files and data could be responsible for the Outlook error 0x800ccc0b. However, you can make use of an Outlook repair tool to resolve the issue.

With the tool mentioned above, users can repair corrupt PST files and also recover downloads from a mailbox. Useful enough, it offers instant recovery and saves time. You can recover extensive mailbox data in multiple formats, which means the mailbox information can be accessed through other software applications after recovery.

In conclusion, several errors are experienced while utilizing Microsoft Outlook most especially the error code 0x800ccc0b. For a permanent fix to all kinds of Outlook errors, make use above mentioned methods or an automated tool like Stellar Repair For Outlook to resolve your Outlook errors.

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