The SPECIAL POOL DETECTED MEMORY CORRUPTION BSOD is a Windows error message that leads to a complete system failure, leaving users unable to troubleshoot the problem.

A BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) is an error message that appears on the screen when there is a problem with the computer’s internal processes or hardware functionalities. It typically indicates that the computer has stopped working correctly due to a critical situation and often requires restarting the machine to continue to operate appropriately.

There are many types of BSODs, some more severe than others; Often, a system restart resolves the glitch, allowing the device to boot normally. While in other cases, users must dedicate time to understanding the core functionality of the issue so they can run solid diagnoses.

In the following guideline, you will figure out what causes the SPECIAL POOL DETECTED MEMORY CORRUPTION BSOD and what makes it go away.


In nature, the BSOD errors are a safeguard Microsoft implemented in Windows to report specific system malfunctions and prevent substantial damage to the system until the issues are fully resolved. The SPECIAL POOL DETECTED MEMORY CORRUPTION BSOD error, in this case, could be an indication of various system deficiencies:

Accordingly, you must run multiple troubleshooting procedures to identify the problem’s origins.

What Can I Do If a BSOD error Prevents My PC from Booting Up So I Can Try The Fixes?

Safe mode is a diagnostic startup mode that helps us identify and fix problems with Windows. In safe mode, only the core operating system services and drivers load, prohibiting any software that may have caused the problem.

Entering Safe Mode is frequently the first step you must take while dealing with a BSOD error, such as the SPECIAL POOL DETECTED MEMORY CORRUPTION. Follow the instructions below to enable Safe Mode on your device:

While in Windows RE, follow the instructions below to enter Safe Mode:

The computer now boots in Safe Mode.


Follow the instructions in this guideline to check for every possible component of your device that might have caused the problem and fix it immediately.

1. Run Program Compatibility Troubleshooter

Program Compatibility Troubleshooter helps solve common compatibility issues between programs and operating systems by automating the process of figuring out what’s wrong and how to fix it. Follow the guideline below and utilize Program Compatibility Troubleshooter:

3. Check the System Disk for Errors

The system disk is a part of your HDD that contains critical system files and can cause the SPECIAL POOL DETECTED MEMORY CORRUPTION BSOD error if corrupted.

Follow the steps below to check your primary system disk:

4. Run a System File Checker Using Windows Terminal

System file checker is a tool that helps find and fix problems with your computer’s operating system by comparing it to a list of files that should be on your computer but might not be. If any of these files are missing or corrupted, the SFC replaces them so your computer can run correctly.

Follow the instructions below to run an SFC:

sfc /scannow

5. Check the System RAM Using Windows Memory Diagnostic

Windows Memory Diagnostic is a tool that lets you check your computer’s memory for issues such as leaks or corruptions. It runs automated tests to determine whether there are any problems with the memory on your computer, and if there are, it will notify you about what those problems are so that you can take action to fix them.

Follow the steps below to run Windows Memory Diagnostic:

6. Update All System Drivers Using Windows Device Manager

The Windows Device Manager allows users to view and modify information about the devices connected to the computer. It’s an excellent tool for troubleshooting problems with your digital appliances, updating their drivers, and finding more information about what each hardware does or how much space it takes up on your hard drive.

Malfunctioning drivers also cause the SPECIAL POOL DETECTED MEMORY CORRUPTION BSOD error, and you can fix them by following the instructions below:

All system drivers are now up-to-date.

7. Check the Device for Malware Activity Using Windows Security

Windows security tool is a program that helps protect your computer from viruses and other malicious programs. It does so by monitoring any incoming or outgoing network traffic to ensure it’s safe before letting it through, keeping your computer safe and secure.

Follow the instructions below to enter Windows Security and check for malware damage:

Now Windows Security searches your computer for every possible threat and eliminates them with your permission.

8. Analyze Minidump

A minidump is a small file that contains information about what happened to your computer when it crashed. When an application or OS component fails, it generates an error that causes the process to stop running and generates a dump file containing metadata about the process, such as its memory usage, along with its thread list and the stack trace, which shows where in the code the error occurred.

You can use third-party minidump analyzers like WhoCrashed to diagnose what went wrong with your computer during the SPECIAL POOL DETECTED MEMORY CORRUPTION BSOD error.

9. Uninstall Your Antivirus Software

Antivirus software protects your computer or mobile device from viruses, worms, and other malware by looking for malicious code inside files or emails trying to get into your system. It can also track which websites are safe to visit so that you don’t end up downloading something corrupt accidentally.

However, users reported after updating some of these programs, including Avast and AVG, their computers started crashing with the SPECIAL POOL DETECTED MEMORY CORRUPTION BSOD error message.

Follow the instruction below to uninstall your third-party security software:

10. Recover files from BSoD-affected computers Using Stellar Windows Data Recovery Professional software

Although this approach does not qualify as a fix to SPECIAL POOL DETECTED MEMORY CORRUPTION BSOD error, it is mentioned here because it can help you retrieve your precious data if you are unable to address the problem, which makes it worthy of highlighting here.

Stellar Windows Data Recovery Professional is an easy-to-use tool that can recover lost data from your hard drive or other storage devices. It functions based on advanced deep scanning technology that guarantees accurate results regardless of how badly damaged your media may be.

This software is simple enough for anyone to utilize but powerful enough to handle even the most complex cases.

So, if your system fails to boot, you can follow the guideline below to create a Bootable Data Recovery Media and recover your files:

After the process finishes, you can use the Bootable USB Recovery Media you created before to recover all the data from the unbootable device using the steps below:

You must now have access to all your lost data.

Restore your Files with Stellar Windows Data Recovery software

If your computer boots up, but you’ve lost data because you tried a fix from an unreliable source or made a mistake in the process, you can use Stellar Windows Data Recovery software to recover them. A further advantage of this software is that you can recover deleted files without shelling out for the professional edition.

To do this:

After following the instructions, the files are back, and your device must regain its optimal status.

Bottom Line

If you face a BSOD error, don’t panic! All it means is that something went wrong, and your computer needs your help to figure out what it is so that it can fix it.

The SPECIAL POOL DETECTED MEMORY CORRUPTION BSOD is a commonly seen error caused by several factors, including malware infection, system file deterioration, corrupted drivers, or software incompatibility. Even if the problem didn’t resolve, you can restore all your data using the recovery software mentioned in the paragraphs before and then install a fresh copy of Windows.

If you’ve decided to take your PC to a computer technician, make sure to back up your data to an external hard drive to avoid losing your data in case something happens.


System memory becomes corrupted as a result of installing faulty software that damages your device.

The Stellar Windows Data Recovery Professional is a premium application that is free to download; however, it requires activation upon application launch.

There are many BSOD errors, and all surface on a blue screen with an error message that usually stops your OS from booting normally.

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