Screenshots Stellar Repair for QuickBooks Software

  • Step 1

    Select QuickBooks File

    Launch the software. Browse or Find the QuickBooks® file.

  • Step 2

    Select QuickBooks Backup File (.QBB)

    Select a QBB file & click Next. Or, skip this step if you don't have backup file.

  • Step 3

    Click on Scan

    Step 3a: Review the selected QBW file without backup & click Scan.

  • Step 4

    Select QuickBooks Version

    Step 3b: Review selected QBW & QBB files and Select Version of QBB File.

  • Step 5

    Review and Click on Scan

    Step 3c: Review the selected files & click on Scan.

  • Step 6

    Scan Summary

    Step 4: Click OK after viewing the scan details.

  • Step 7

    Preview of Recoverable Data

    Step 5: Preview the recoverable Company data

  • Step 8

    Customers Tab Preview

    Step 6: Click the Customers tab to preview its recoverable data.

  • Step 9

    Vendors Tab Review

    Step 7: Click the Vendors tab to preview its recoverable data.

  • Step 10

    Employees Tab Preview

    Step 8: Click the Employees tab to preview its data. Click Save.

  • Step 11

    Save File

    Step 9: Click Browse to select a new QBW file & then click on Save.

  • Step 12

    Repair Process Complete

    Step 10: Click OK when the repair process gets completed.

  • Step 1

    Select Hosted Exchange and Enter login details

    Select Hosted Exchange to export mailboxes from an online EDB file. Select Connect to Single Mailbox or Connect to Single Mailbox from Connection Options

  • Step 2

    Enter Admin Email and Server Name

    Enter Admin and Server Name (for Exchange 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007) or tick "Exchange Server 2010 and higher" checkbox to enter Admin Email, Server Name and Password (for MS Exchange 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019). Click OK.

  • Step 3

    Check Connected/Disconnected Mailbox Status

    After establishing the connection with Exchange Server, Next window displays list of connected and disconnected mailboxes. Click "OK" to proceed.

  • Step 4

    Check the Preview of all Mailboxes

    Check the preview of all mailbox items- Emails, Calendars, Contacts etc.

  • Step 5

    Select “Save as PST”

    Click Save from Home Ribbon and Select Save as PST option. Click "Next" to proceed.

  • Step 1

    General settings

    To configuring General Settings of the migration job, you need to provide a name for your migration job and choose the source and target server types. The source server is where you are migrating data from, and the target server is where the data will

  • Step 2

    Select Mailbox Type

    In the Mailbox Types step you need to select which mailbox type you want to migrate. You will have the option to migrate primary mailboxes, archive mailboxes, and public folders separately or together.

  • Step 3.1

    Connect to the source

    You need to connect the software to the server you want to migrate the mailboxes form. You can use Autodiscover option and connect directly to the source Exchange Server. If you use auto-registration click Log in as Microsoft 365 Global admin to load the Entra ID sign-in page.

  • Step 3.2

    Manual registration

    The manual registration requires you to manually input the necessary connection details to authenticate and establish a connection with the source server.

  • Step 4

    Preview the source mailboxes

    In the next step you will see a list of mailboxes from the source server. If there are more than 100 mailboxes, choose "Load Mailboxes Using CSV" and upload a CSV file if you want to view the remaining mailboxes.

  • Step 5

    Connect the target server

    When the target server is Microsoft 365, you’ll need to authenticate to establish a secure connection. This uses modern authentication with ADAL (Active Directory Authentication Library) and OAuth 2.0 to safely access and transfer data from Microsoft 365 to the target environment. There are two methods to register the target connection: Auto registration and Manual registration.

  • Step 6

    Preview the mailboxes on the Target server

    You will then see the mailboxes in the destination server. Again, if you have more than 100 mailboxes you can select the Load Mailboxes using CSV to view all the mailboxes.

  • Step 7

    Manually map the mailboxes if required

    If the user names did not match you can manually map the mailboxes that are unmapped

  • Step 8

    Set the date filter

    In the next step you can apply a date filter on the mailboxes and select the mailboxes for migration within a date range.

  • Step 9

    Select the folder types

    Then, you need to select the folder types you want to migrate. Using this you can exclude unnecessary or irrelevant folders and make sure that only the required data is migrated.

  • Step 10

    Set Max concurrency

    In the next step, you need to select, how many mailboxes you want to migrate simultaneously. You can select up to 10 mailboxes. However, this can affect the speed of migration.

  • Step 11

    Preview the job summary

    In the next step, see the job summary and confirm all the details before starting with the migration. If you want to change anything, select that section and make the changes.

  • Step 12

    Initiate Migration

    Click Finish to create the job and then click Start in the JOB ribbon to start migration process. You can pause the migration any time with the Pause button in the JOB ribbon.

  • Step 13

    View and save the progress report

    If you need, you can export the Job Progress and Mailbox Progress reports from a dashboard. These reports are used for tracking the migration, because they provide an overview of the job.

  • Step 14

    Job completion

    After completing the migration, the action field in the job progress section of the right panel will change from Migrate to Don't Migrate. If the job fails to migrate, it will remain in the Migrate state, allowing you to attempt the migration again without making repeated changes.

  • Étape 1

    Sélectionnez Hosted Exchange et entrez vos données de connexion.

    Sélectionnez Hosted Exchange pour exporter des boîtes aux lettres à partir d'un fichier EDB en ligne. Sélectionnez Connecter à une seule boîte aux lettres ou Connecter à une seule boîte aux lettres dans les options de connexion.

  • Étape 2

    Saisissez l'adresse électronique de l'administrateur et le nom du serveur

    Saisissez le courriel de l'administrateur et le nom du serveur (pour Exchange 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007) ou cochez la case "Exchange Server 2010 and higher" pour saisir le courriel de l'administrateur, le nom du serveur et le mot de passe (pour MS Exchange 2010, 2013, 2016 et 2019). Cliquez sur OK.

  • Étape 3

    Vérifier l'état de la boîte aux lettres connectée/déconnectée

    Une fois la connexion à Exchange Server établie, une liste des boîtes aux lettres connectées et déconnectées s'affiche dans la fenêtre suivante. Cliquez sur "OK" pour continuer.

  • Étape 4

    Vérifier l'aperçu de toutes les boîtes aux lettres

    Vérifiez l'aperçu de toutes les boîtes aux lettres - courriels, calendrier, contacts, etc.

  • Étape 5

    Sélectionnez "Enregistrer sous PST".

    Cliquez sur Enregistrer dans le ruban Démarrer et sélectionnez l'option Enregistrer sous PST. Cliquez sur "Suivant" pour continuer.

  • Passo 1

    Selezioni Hosted Exchange e inserisca i suoi dati di accesso.

    Selezioni Hosted Exchange per esportare le caselle postali da un file EDB online. Selezioni Connetti a una singola casella postale o Connetti a una singola casella postale dalle opzioni di connessione.

  • Passo 2

    Inserisca l'e-mail dell'amministratore e il nome del server

    Inserisca il nome dell'amministratore e del server (per Exchange 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007) o selezioni la casella di controllo "Exchange Server 2010 e superiore" per inserire l'e-mail dell'amministratore, il nome del server e la password (per MS Exchange 2010, 2013, 2016 e 2019). Clicchi su OK.

  • Passo 3

    Controlli lo stato della mailbox collegata/disconnessa.

    Una volta stabilita la connessione a Exchange Server, nella finestra successiva viene visualizzato un elenco di caselle postali collegate e scollegate. Clicchi su "OK" per continuare.

  • Passo 4

    Controlli l'anteprima di tutte le cassette postali

    Controlli l'anteprima di tutte le caselle di posta elettronica - e-mail, calendario, contatti, ecc.

  • Passo 5

    Selezionare "Salva come PST".

    Clicchi su Salva nella barra multifunzione Avvio e selezioni l'opzione Salva come PST. Clicchi su "Avanti" per continuare.

  • Paso 1

    Seleccione Hosted Exchange e introduzca sus datos de acceso.

    Seleccione Hosted Exchange para exportar buzones desde un archivo EDB en línea. Seleccione Conectarse a un único buzón o Conectarse a un único buzón en las opciones de conexión.

  • Paso 2

    Introduzca el correo electrónico del administrador y el nombre del servidor

    Introduzca el correo electrónico del administrador y el nombre del servidor (para Exchange 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007) o marque la casilla "Exchange Server 2010 y superior" para introducir el correo electrónico del administrador, el nombre del servidor y la contraseña (para MS Exchange 2010, 2013, 2016 y 2019). Haga clic en Aceptar.

  • Paso 3

    Comprobar el estado del buzón conectado/desconectado

    Una vez establecida la conexión con Exchange Server, en la siguiente ventana aparecerá una lista de los buzones conectados y desconectados. Haga clic en "Aceptar" para continuar.

  • Paso 4

    Comprobar la vista previa de todos los buzones

    Compruebe la vista previa de todos los buzones: correos electrónicos, calendario, contactos, etc.

  • Paso 5

    Seleccione "Guardar como PST".

    Haga clic en Guardar en la cinta Inicio y seleccione la opción Guardar como PST. Haga clic en "Siguiente" para continuar.

  • Schritt 1

    Wählen Sie Hosted Exchange und geben Sie Ihre Anmeldedaten ein.

    Wählen Sie Hosted Exchange, um Postfächer aus einer Online-EDB-Datei zu exportieren. Wählen Sie Verbinden mit einem einzelnen Postfach oder Verbinden mit einem einzelnen Postfach aus den Verbindungsoptionen

  • Schritt 2

    Admin-E-Mail und Servernamen eingeben

    Geben Sie admin und den Servernamen ein (für Exchange 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007) oder aktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen "Exchange Server 2010 und höher", um admin E-Mail, Servernamen und Passwort einzugeben (für MS Exchange 2010, 2013, 2016 und 2019). Klicken Sie auf OK.

  • Schritt 3

    Prüfen Sie den Status der verbundenen/getrennten Mailbox

    Sobald die Verbindung zu Exchange Server hergestellt ist, wird im nächsten Fenster eine Liste der verbundenen und nicht verbundenen Postfächer angezeigt. Klicken Sie auf "OK", um fortzufahren.

  • Schritt 4

    Prüfen Sie die Vorschau aller Postfächer

    Prüfen Sie die Vorschau aller Postfächer - E-Mails, Kalender, Kontakte, etc.

  • Schritt 5

    Wählen Sie "Als PST speichern".

    Klicken Sie im Menüband Start auf Speichern und wählen Sie die Option Als PST speichern. Klicken Sie auf "Weiter", um fortzufahren.

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Start Using Stellar Repair for QuickBooks® Software Today.

  • Trusted by Millions of Users
  • Awarded by Top Tech Media
  • 100% Safe & Secure to Use

*Free download allows to preview the recoverable data.
