Problem in Detail

After having recovered all my data and folders with Stellar Mac Data Recovery software I found that folders are empty in the Finder Window. How should I solve this problem?

Important Check Point:
  • Please check the size of the recovered folders whose data isn’t showing. Select the folder(s) and right-click to Get Info. Alternatively, you can select a folder and press Command + I button to get its size info.
  • If the folder size is not ZERO kb, then your recovered files are there intact but hidden.
How to unhide data from the recovered folders?
  1. Launch Finder and go to Macintosh HD.
  2. Hold down Command + Shift + . (dot) keys. This will make all hidden files visible on the selected drive.
  1. Launch Terminal application from Utilities folder.
  2. Enter below command line and press Return: SUDO defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES; killall Finder
  3. Provide your admin password when asked
  4. Again press Return key
This will unhide your recovered files or folders and you will be able to launch all files recovered by the Stellar Mac Data Recovery software.